if approved to be a part of the Board of Directors you will be required to sign the following form

 The Board of Directors exists to manage all of the Organization’s affairs and exercise its powers.

 As a member of the Board of Directors for Chroma, I understand that I have a duty to always work in the best interests of the organization.

 In furtherance of these commitments and responsibilities I will put forth my best individual effort to:

·         Attend, fully prepare for, and diligently participate in board meetings, committee meetings and special events.

·         Make an annual personal financial contribution at a level that is commensurate with my financial means.

·         Actively participate in helping develop resources for the organization

·         Act in the best interests of the organization, and excuse myself from discussions and votes where I have a conflict of interest.

·         Stay informed about what is going on in the organization, asking questions and requesting information as needed. I will participate in and take responsibility for making decisions on issues, policies, and other board matters.

·         Actively voice my opinions and concerns, and open mindedly consider everyone else’s opinions and concerns, in all board decision making. I will trust that we all share a constant passion for the organization’s mission.

·         Exercise my authority as a board member only when acting in a meeting with the full board or when appointed by the board.

·         Represent the organization in a positive and supportive manner at all times.

·         Work collaboratively with staff and other board members as partners toward achievement of our goals.

·         Commit my time and talents to serving spoke committees as I am able.

·         Strictly maintain the confidentiality of all privileged or sensitive information provided to me to safeguard the organization’s reputation and integrity, as well as the privacy right of individuals and donors connected with the organization and the Board. I accept this principle as one that should survive my period of board service.

 In turn, I expect the organization to be responsible to me in the following ways:

·         Providing me with regular financial reports and analyses and updates on significant organizational and personnel activities.

·         Providing me with opportunities to discuss important organizational issues with the board chair and spoke committees.

·         Offering me opportunities for professional development as a board member.

·         The staff and board members will respond in a straight forward fashion to questions that I feel are necessary to carry out my responsibilities to this organization. Board members and staff will work with me in good faith toward achievement of our goals.

 I,__________________________  , agree to serve as a voting member of the board of director of Chroma effective _________ . I understand that my two year term will end on ________. Board members can serve no more than two consecutive terms. One year of absence minimum is required between terms.

 In the interest of safety of youth and vulnerable populations that our organization serves I consent to a background screening if selected as a board member. This information will be kept confidential and will only be used in confirming appointment to the Board.

 I certify by my signature that I understand the foregoing expectations that accompany my board service and will do my best to live up to them as a member of the Board of Directors of Chroma. While I am committed to fulfilling my commitment to this organization, I also agree to give appropriate notice of resignation to the Board should circumstances prevent me from doing so.


Printed Name


Signature                                                                     Date


Printed Name (Board President)


Signature Date