Our dear friend Randy Sarbacher left us unexpectedly in early 2018 and left a huge hole in our hearts. Randy was a huge part of our community. He loved with his whole heart and was an inspiration to many. We miss him every day and in 2018 the Celebrate Love committee decided to create an award in his name.

The Major Tom Community Spirit Award is given to a person who exemplifies what Randy stood for. A person who gives of themselves selflessly and who’s heart is in helping our community. An unsung hero who gives without an expectation of accolades. Someone who is the spirit of Randy, a giver, a true friend…
Do you know someone like this? If so, please fill out the below form to submit your “Randy” for consideration for this year’s Major Tom Community Spirit Award.

2018’s recipient was Rollie Hallen. Rollie is an amazing human who gives tirelessly to the music community and the community at large. If you have been to music events in the Valley it is more than likely you have seen him running around doing sound checks, changing levels or moving equipment. Rollie has been Celebrate Love’s hero on more than one occasion and we could not have thought of anyone better for our first award. Randy would have approved.

2019’s recipient was Matt Plemmons. Matt gives his time, energy and financial support to many different causes in the LC Valley. He is the unsung hero and never looks for a pat on the back. Matt was also one of the first people to jump forward and help out when we learned we had lost our Randy. He was instrumental in putting together the best send-off we could have ever imagined for our friend.

2022’s recipients were Michelle and Ed King. Michelle and Ed have given their hearts and souls to Valley youth. They created the Youth Resource Center and continue to be an advocate for our displaced youth and unhoused adults.

Deadline for submissions: July 1, 2023

Submit your “Randy” here